Application form for lssue of Degree Certificate
Fields marked with * are mandatory
Registration Form
I have Passed (Qualification ) *:
Name ( in English )* :
Examination Passed*:
Year *:
Roll No*:
Enrolment No.*:
School *:
Final CGPA / Percentage(%)*:
Subject with Distinction ( If any ).:
Title of Thesis for the degree of Ph.D. :
Present Address :
Email Id *:
Phone no*: Pin Code *:
Mobile No*:
Last semester passed mark sheet (less then 500kb & rename pdf with rollno )
(in single PDF file)*:
Please upload scan copy of paper in which your full name must be written in Hindi language (less then 500kb & rename pdf with rollno)
(in single PDF file)*:
Please upload Your passport size photo (less then 500kb & rename jpg with rollno)
*(in single Image file):
Mode of Fee along with receipt *: Online     Draft/Challan   
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