Events Details
Event Name 5 th International Conference on Transformational Impact of AI on Business Competitiveness
Description International Conference is the signature event of School of Management and Commerce, ITM University, Gwalior. This year the event is scheduled on 14 th and 15 th April 2025. The conference will cover a broad spectrum of topics under the theme of "Transformational Impact of AI on Business Competitiveness. The conference invites participation from academicians, research scholars, industry executives, and students engaged in the fields of Strategy, Marketing, Finance, Information Technology, Human Resource, Social Sciences, and other issues related to the conference theme. Get yourself registered for the event by filling following form..
Organized By
Convener Dr. Vandana Bharti,
Dr. Shachi Gupta,
Ms. Shorya Gupta.
Date 14 th and 15 th April 2025
Note : Registration Fees for National Delegate:-
1. For Student - 500/-
2. For Research Fellows - 1000/-
3. For Academicians - 2000/-
4. For Industrialists - 3000/-

Registration Fees for International Delegate:-
1. For Student - 2000/-
2. For Research Fellows - 4000/-
3. For Academicians - 8000/-
4. For Industrialists - 16000/-

Registration Fees for Online Mode Delegate:-
1. Registration Fees for Online Mode (1000/-)

Registration Details
Attendee Name/Participant*
E-Mail* :
Mobile No.*
Institute/University/Organisation* :
National/International* :
Registration Fees*
Payment For